Friday, October 9, 2009

Symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst-Better to know.

Did you know what the symptoms of a busted avarian cyst?Did you prepared yourself for that symptoms?I think everyone shoud know about this symptoms to prepared ourself from to be a victims af that symptoms.For everyone information,an ovarian cyst is a fluid filled sac located near the ovaries. Cysts can occur anywhere in the body and are normally non-cancerous and not harmful when left to heal itself.However, a ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms can potentially be very harmful and can produce Life Threatening symptoms.There are different symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst on ovary depending on the type you have.It could either be functional cyst, polycystic ovaries, endometrial cysts, cytadenomas and dermoid cysts.If you are suffering from recurring back aches, you probably have ovarian cysts. Having this condition is not normal. You might have a cyst on ovary if you have lower back pain that seems to not go away.An ovarian cyst symptoms may mimic symptoms that occur when a woman is pregnant. Therefore, for it to be determined whether there really is an ovarian cyst present, a doctor has to conduct some tests.Below are e few symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst that you really need to know:-

1. The primary symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst come in the form of pain, originating in the area of the ovaries.Changes in the menstrual cycle or irregular cycles.
2. Irregular bleeding, either less or more than normal, different types of discharge, or unusual pain.
3. A condition known as dyspareunia, or abnormal pain during intercourse.
4. Backache, especially the lower back.
5. The symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst can cause painful urination.
6. Increased facial hair or body hair.
7. Weight gain.
8. Breast tenderness.
9. More frequent visits to the toilet due to large cysts putting pressure on the bowels or bladder.
10. General symptoms of ill health such as fainting, weakness, dizziness and fever.
11. Pain during sexual intercourse.

If you experience more than one of these symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst, it is advisable that you seek professional medical opinion in helping you diagnose your symptoms.Cyst are easily detected when you undergo routine pelvic examination by your doctor. Using the latest technology in ultrasound, your doctor can precisely measure the size of the cyst and immediately recommend appropriate treatment for your condition.A blood test will be carried out to find out if the Ovarian Cyst is cancerous. This test is recommended for women over the age of 35 and whose cyst has been found to be partially solid. Under 35's are less likely to have ovarian cancer.

Once a positive diagnosis for the symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst has been given by your doctor, ask him/her what your options are. Many doctors recommend medication and quite possibly surgery. There is also a very promising and proven way that you can cure ovarian cyst naturally.However,you still can cure your symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst if you know that you have the symptoms early.You no longer have to live with the pain, bloating and weight gain that comes with having an ovarian cyst. If it's impacting your life, it's time to make a change. There is help and it's all natural and effective. You can be rid of your busted ovarian cyst without surgery.

Symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst

Looking for Symptoms Of A Busted Ovarian Cyst?Here the information about the symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst.

The number of women being afflicted with cysts on ovaries has become really alarming. With the current trend, it seems like any woman is not exempted to any types of symptoms of a busted ovarian cysts. In fact, millions of women around the world have been affected with this reproductive disease, and chances are you may also be affected. In order to get an immediate medical care, it is vital that you know the various ovarian cyst symptoms.

There are different symptoms of cyst on ovary depending on the type you have. An cyst on ovaries could either be functional cyst, polycystic ovaries, endometrial cysts, cytadenomas and dermoid cysts. Each of these types of ovarian cyst has varying symptoms because their growth differs from one another.

The bad thing about having symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst on ovaries is that it is hard to detect its symptoms at the early stage, just like functional cyst. Some women may even mistake the symptoms for discomforts connected to their monthly period. So if the pain turns really bad, make sure to keep track of it because it is definitely not just an ordinary menstrual cramps.

If you are unsure about whether or not you have symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst, you have to know the symptoms. Some symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst include aches in the back or legs, pressure in the lower abdomen and/ or rectum, weight gain and painful sex. These symptoms are usually tell tale signs that you have symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst and you don't need a doctor to diagnose you. If you have these symptoms now you need to know what you can do to cure your busted ovarian cyst.

The following are the major symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst:

1. Feeling of fullness or pressure in the lower abdomen
You may feel a dull ache in your lower abdomen. This is considered as one of the predominant symptoms of ovarian cysts. Pain may be bilateral if both your ovaries have cysts. The pain comes and goes but may become unbearable sometimes. This is influenced by the size of your cyst and it will increase if your cyst is bleeding. As the blood flow to your tissues is blocked by the cyst, the pain intensifies.

2. Menstrual irregularities
You may feel severe pain during your menstrual period. If you usually have dysmenorrhea during your periods, then the pain may be more than what you usually experience. Aside from that, you may also have late periods or heavy menstrual flow.

3. Inability to pass urine or bowel completely
Due to the cyst blocking either or both passages, you may have trouble passing urine or bowel. You may also feel pain as you try to urinate or empty your bowels.

4. Pain felt during sexual intercourse

5. Pain felt during physical activities or strenuous exercises

6. Pain radiating to the lower back and inner side of the thighs

7. Excess weight gain

8. Breast tenderness

Symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst may also include abdominal pain, so be wary if you have been experiencing aches in this area of your body. It could be a sign of symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst if the pain is accompanied by pressure.

You no longer have to live with the pain, bloating and weight gain that comes with having a busted ovarian cyst. If it's impacting your life, it's time to make a change. There is help and it's all natural and effective. You can be rid of your symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst without surgery.

symptoms of a busted ovarian cyst.